"Proud To Be The Only Tier-1 British Security Group with a permanent operation In Mallorca"
24 hours per day, 7 days per week
all year round
We are a 'Direct-to-Client' service with no financial loyalty to anyone who may not be acting in the client's best interests.
British & International
Security Veterans

Mallorca Bodyguards | Personal Protection Experts from Mallorca's leading authority on private security ~ Diplomat Protection Group®. Over the past 26 years we have earned a reputation with our clients for being the 'Top Protection Team' in the Northern regions of Spain.
Our Professional Bodyguards protect clients living, working or travelling in challenging environments. Combining modern day social skills and valuable local knowledge... you'll find our operatives very reassuring to have by your side during your time in Mallorca.
Established in 1997
26 years operational experience in Spain

Diplomat Protection Group® Bodyguards operate to standards & protocols from our former roles within Government Protection, Armed Tactical Response, Private Military Contracting & Advanced VIP Protection in the Private Sector ...
At-Risk VIP's can depend on our Professional Bodyguards to deliver Advanced Personal Protection & Privacy - combined with the highest level social skills and expert local knowledge of Mallorca.

Protecting Globally-Significant Families 1997 - 2024
Protecting Mallorca's VIP community
Diplomat Protection Group®
Bodyguard Service in Mallorca
Our Professional Bodyguards are Private Security Veterans with exceptional experience in Spain's Private Security sector - applying highly desirable skill-sets to provide enhanced levels of personal protection & privacy for clientele visiting or living in Mallorca.
Members of TEAM-ONE [our top operatives] have a minimum of 20 years Close Protection experience in Spain. We speak fluent English / Spanish... plus other useful languages.
26 years of service from our Mediterranean HQ here in the Balearic Islands... Protecting VIP Travellers & our Island-based clientele. No matter what level of protection you require from your Mallorca Bodyguard - you can continue enjoying your lifestyle, whilst we effectively & discretely manage your safety, security & privacy.

Personal Bodyguard in Mallorca
Pickpockets, Street Crimes, Villa burglaries & high-value Scams... our Professional Bodyguards are here to makes sure you don't come in contact with the negative elements that now exist in Mallorca.
Criminal activities & scams in Mallorca are complex & becoming wide-spread... organised crime gangs from all over Europe & Northern Africa now operate on the Island.
Mallorca's tranquillity is under attack from Big-City problems
From rapid street thefts to well-planned surveillance on 5-star hotel guests & the homes of wealthy residents... crime in Mallorca is big business for sophisticated crime gangs!
To effectively avoid becoming a victim of these problems - corporate & private clientele are now turning to top-level security teams like ours.
We cater for short-term visits & full-time security operations for VIP residents.
We assist & guide inbound security teams visiting with their own principal clients. We see Mallorca's security landscape in ultra-high-definition - providing an essential, expert pair of eyes for offshore security partners passing through the island.
We accompany VIP tourists travelling around Spain & the Mediterranean jet-set resorts.
Diplomat Protection Group®

VIP Security & Celebrity Bodyguard Hire in Mallorca
Our VIP Security in Mallorca acts as a front-line defence, no matter what information is readily available to those with hostile intentions on their minds. Celebrity & VIP status can attract negative attention, and in severe cases the threats are very real!
Clients who hire our Bodyguards are sending a message that they take their security & privacy seriously - and they prefer a discrete, holistic approach, that truly enhances their safety & privacy - whilst relaxing on vacation or working in the public eye.
Low Profile | Covert Protection
You may not be an At-Risk Celebrity or Royal Family member, but for various reasons you are required to use top-level security operatives to protect yourself & your family. You may not want Bodyguards in your daily life - but it is a requirement of your corporation or K&R insurance policy.
With 26 years experience in this industry - our team has developed a deep understanding of the reasons for small-footprint security & privacy management. We deliver a discrete, calm service - respectful of your concerns & expectations.


Villa Security Service In Mallorca
When your 'security service' fails to protect your rental property - demand a refund & hire the *EXPERTS* with a 100% success rate protecting large villas & private estates.
We are a team of Veteran Security Contractors with vast experience in complex, hostile environments. We are the only security team that offers a *GUARANTEE* of "No Break-ins" whilst our professionals are on duty!
We create an environment where it's impossible to gain access to the property undetected - and deliver an overwhelming tactical response to intruders.
We know who is breaking into villas.
We know how they operate.
We know who is assisting them.
We deliver Mallorca's most effective
& successful villa protection service!

Yacht Security: Mallorca > Ibiza
Diplomat Protection Group® is uniquely positioned to deliver seamless, top-level protection in both Mallorca & Ibiza. We are fully operational in both locations - with senior members managing elite security teams on each island.
Yachts touring the Balearic islands can on-board a single Security Manager from our team, who can manage & coordinate essential portside / land-based services through our long-term connections & relationships with both islands.
With 26 years operational presence in the Balearic Islands, there are many cases where 'local-concierge' support is inferior to our own contacts & networks... saving the Captain / Chief Steward time and stress... elevating guest-experience whilst visiting land-side venues.... avoiding low quality services & friction associated with last-minute requests during the busiest times of the season.
Our Personal Protection Experts are mature, intelligent, friendly & helpful characters - well versed in the nuances of discretion around 'elite-lifestyle' clientele onboard. We understand the importance of proactively managing ever-changing itineraries... whilst ensuring effective security measures are applied to the vessel & the guests.
In our industry this role is often referred to as 'Executive Protection'...
Diplomat Protection Group®
Professional Bodyguards
Close Protection
Executive Protection
Security Chaperone
Private Villa Security
Superyacht Tour Security
Vacation Tour Security
Clandestine Tasks
QRF Deployment
Covert Surveillance
Intelligence gathering
If you're not in direct contact with us
- you're not being protected by us!

Diplomat Protection Group® is the leading authority on Private Security & Personal Protection in Mallorca. Contacting us directly is the only way to be certain that you are being protected by Our Team.
Incredibly, we continue to discover imposters & middlemen attempting to use our name & reputation for financial gain.
To avoid any confusion:
Island-based Concierge / Middlemen are not authorised to negotiate or accept bookings for services by Diplomat Protection Group®.
We do not collaborate with any local business offering security services in Mallorca. Beware of others claiming to be members of our team or promoting themselves as our 'preferred-partners'.
Our trusted International partners will connect you directly with our office so you can be certain that you are receiving our service.
Our security services can only be hired via this official website.